Finally, blogging and me are one single phenomenon. I will blog here to slowly let out the vast interiors of this strange mind. Let me begin by that singular concept that struck me hard in my adoloscence . That was when i was completely unaware of the concept of the Universities, the Great studies, the Internet, the Journals, and all the literature to publish and patents to protect. I only knew about my theories. I was not informed as to how Newton or Einstein were famous but they were famous and that was it. And as i struggled, these were my observations...
How I struggle to understand and document this world of ours. Is it not strange that whatever I try to document or observe or infer is already a work of a great man somewhere who did some work eons ago and was lost in the sands of time? Whatever I try to do, to understand the world we live in, to confirm what REALITY really is, has already been done before. They have written books, papers and volumes of literature. They have coined wonderful technical terms for them already. And as I slowly unearth what I can, they laugh at me and say, well this has been thoroughly researched, lad. Try something new, something creative. They thought about all this while, say, having coffee or something on a lazy evening. So it seems.
Strange that we always live in
A big breakthrough is almost impossible, they say.